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Commissioning ATV11 variable speed drive


How to set up the ATV11 drive for simple applications. How to quickly test this drive.

This test can be used as a first phase during a more complex commissioning.

Important precision

Schneider delivers new drives pre-configured in the same way. This set of parameters is called “Factory setting”. It is possible to return to the factory setting at any time:

Menu FUN FCS= In I

This sheet considers that:

1) Run the engine with the acceleration and deceleration ramps (two straps)



The drive starts and follows the 3 sec acceleration ramp.

To stop the motor, de-bridge LI1, the drive slows down according to the deceleration ramp of 3 seconds, you can modify by acting on the DEC or Deceleration parameter



Using a two-position on / off switch.

In factory setting, all you have to do is insert the contact of a two-position switch of the XB4BD21 type

2) Vary the speed with a potentiometer (wiring of a potentiometer and a jumper)




The drive starts up, follows the acceleration ramps and reaches its speed setpoint determined by the potentiometer, and the speed can be changed with the potentiometer.

3) Protect the motor (one parameter)

Ith = I motor name

4) Use of preset speeds (4 parameters and 4 bridges)

Schneider variable speed drives are preconfigured in pre-selected speeds. We will not detail this part, just a simple example to use:

Using a:

Whatever speed is chosen, the Run Direction Forward command LI1 or the Run Reverse command LI2 must be activated.


AI1 bridged to + 0V (ATV11).

LI1 will be bridged to start forward at the HSP speed of 50Hz or at the setpoint speed of the


LI2 sera ponté pour démarrer en marche arrière à la vitesse HSP de 50Hz ou à la vitesse de consigne du


LI3 will be bridged to have the slow speed of 5 Hz, LI1 (forward direction) or LI2 (reverse direction) will also be bridged LI4 will be bridged to have the average speed of 45 Hz, LI1 (forward direction) or LI2 (reverse direction) will be also bridged

Use switches or rotary knobs instead of bridges


Check parameters LSP = 0 and HSP = 50 (factory settings)

Menu FUN PS2 LIA = LI3

Menu FUN PS2 Lib = LI4 SP2 = 5 hz SP3 = 45 Hz

SP2 = 5 hz

SP3 = 45 Hz

5) Optimization or auto-tuning or Tuning of the drive / motor assembly (5 to 6 parameters)

This operation is not essential but it is strongly recommended, it allows, among other things, to optimize the currents (reduce them) which avoids overheating and allows energy savings.

In practice, it is a matter of reading the information from the motor nameplate and copying it to the drive, then launching Tun or autotuning

The motor must be connected to the drive (downstream contactor active) and the LI1 or LI2 run command must be deactivated.

DrC menu

UnS = rated nominal motor voltage

FrS = Rated motor frequency

nCr = Nominal rated motor current

nSL = motor rated slip motor

Cos = cosine phi of the motor plated motor (leave in default value) No Tun for the ATV11

6) To resolve the Nst fault on power-up

Nst can be:

The tCt [2-wire control type] parameter is set to the trn [Transition] value in the factory setting, this setting indicates that a transition or edge state change is required to start operation in order to avoid an untimely restart after a power interruption. This configuration can cause NST faults when the power is switched back on, to avoid:

FUN menu tCC tCt = LEL

Please note, the product restarts when the power is turned on; check if the safety of goods and people is taken into account

7) To run the engine without bridging, only with the terminal or display

Not possible with standard ATV11

Possible with ATV11 range A and E327

Fun menu tCC = LOC LSr = LOC

Control on / off with the RUN and STOP keys and the setpoint via the potentiometer

Download the ATV11 drive commissioning guide in PDF format

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