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Download SUCOSOFT S40 V5.0 software

Moeller’s Sucosoft S40 software is an IEC 1131-3 programming system. The software has a perfect ergonomic design and supports users in the management and processing of their automation projects. A large software library with many functional modules can shorten the programming time, and you can create your own library and limit external libraries. At the same time, Moeller provides an extensive database in the fields of control technology and heating, air conditioning and ventilation. The use of these standard functional modules considerably shortens the implementation of complex applications. Even in a distributed installation, all controllers can be programmed and diagnosed from a central location through network programming.

Sucosoft S40 software is a programming tool for PS4-141 / 151/201/271/341 and PS 416 series PLCs. It can run under Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0. It supports compact and modular Moeller controllers and comes in five languages (D, GB, F, E, I).

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13 thoughts on “Download SUCOSOFT S40 V5.0 software

  1. MAHDI


  2. MAHDI


  3. Alfredo

    this software is a demo or full?

  4. aymen zayati

    j’ai besoin de logiciel complet pour programmation et diagnostique d’un automate Moeller PS416
    Merci d’avance

  5. Reza Gharebaghlou

    Hello dear
    I,m Reza, i need to suco soft s40 software.
    can you keep me?
    I want you to give me the download link, but not the demo.
    thank you very much

  6. Joe

    Getting an error message “Windows NT 3.51 is no longer supported. Install Windows NT 4.0/SR3 or higher”. This is on a Windows 10 machine. Help!

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